Get Involved

Home gardeners are faced with many options related to garden plants, products,
and procedures.  As a UME Master Gardener of Baltimore City, you can help gardeners make informed choices while empowering them to build resilient landscapes. 

See below for what we offers our members through committee participation and leadership roles.  If you’d like to become a Master Gardener, find out more about it here


Bay-Wise Committee

Bay-Wise Gardening Practices Video 

Bay-Wise is a holistic way of gardening that emphasizes environmental stewardship to protect our biodiversity and keep our water clean. It involves stopping erosion, planting native plants, gardening organically, and allowing nature to cycle and work its magic. The Maryland Bay-Wise Program teaches simple, bay-friendly lawn and gardening practices so homeowners can help preserve the land and waterways within the Chesapeake Bay watershed.  

Garden consultations: If you'd like to have your garden Bay-Wise certified or set up a garden consultation to work towards the certification, reach out to the Bay-Wise committee at with your information. Please check out the application below for what will be covered in the garden certification.

Fillable Bay-Wise Maryland Yardstick – for Landscapes
Fillable Bay-Wise Maryland Yardstick – for Food Garden
Fillable Bay-Wise Maryland Yardstick - for Urban Spaces

Pollinators Committee

POLIN is the pollinator committee for Master Gardeners of Baltimore City. We have a three part mission: help people and community groups in Baltimore City design and plant pollinator gardens; give presentations to community groups regarding pollinator issues and pollinator gardens; and collect native seeds and grow them into plants for distribution to gardens we help establish and to prospective pollinator gardeners.

Garden consultations: We are available to City residents for one hour consultations regarding starting a pollinator garden at your home. If you are interested, please email us at

Ask-a-Master Gardener/ Plant Clinics

Ask a Master Gardener/ Plant Clinics is a program where Master Gardener volunteers, in conjunction with the University of Maryland Extension, provide information to home gardeners at farmers Markets, county libraries, and other events throughout the city. Master Gardeners look at samples of ailing plants to make diagnosis, give recommendations, answer questions, and provide printed information on a variety of gardening subjects.

You can find us commonly at various locations including the Lauraville Farmers Market, the Waverly Farmers market, Cylburn Arboretum, and Rawling Conservatory.  If you would like us to come out to one of your events, please email us at If you have specific plant questions yourself, please check out the Ask Extension link. 

Grow It, Eat it Committee

Grow It, Eat It's purpose is to help people in Baltimore City to grow their own vegetables. Our committee provides opportunities for presentations and demonstrations at libraries, schools and other community organizations. We also can help with the  planning involved in creating new gardens or revitalizing old gardens.

We have access to powerpoints and google slides presentations on a variety of topics such as: starting a vegetable garden, container gardening, installing drip irrigation, composting, seeds and seed starting etc. We are also developing new materials. We work with new members to help them to make presentations. You can email us for more information at

Demonstration Gardens

Our three demonstration gardens teach new gardening techniques and highlight different plant varieties for our fellow Master Gardeners and the home gardener.  We protect our land by only using sustainable gardening practices, free from harmful pesticides and chemicals. We encourage natural pollinators by also tending a rain garden of native plants that border our vegetable garden. 

We manage the DIG (Demonstration Intern Garden) at Cylburn Arboretum next to the greenhouse classroom, and the working vegetable and herb garden at Gertrudes adjacent to the Baltimore Museum of Art.  In conjunction with Master Gardeners from Baltimore County, we also supervise the UME Master Gardener Learning Garden at the Maryland State Fairgrounds, which is located between the 4H/FFA/Home Arts Building and the bandstand. 

Please come visit any of these gardens to see the fruits of our labor.

Community Partners

Master Gardeners of Baltimore City recognize other community organizations and non-profits in Baltimore City that work towards the goals of sharing knowledge and resources, advancing sustainable practices, and supporting healthy gardens and communities.  

Learn more on the Community Partners page.